Municipal Code Enforcement Office

Municipal Code Enforcement Office

The Building Inspector’s office enforces the Oakland City Code of Ordinances. When a violation is reported, the first action is to investigate and make certain the concern is valid. A letter will then be mailed to the current landowner explaining the Ordinance violation.  A deadline will be issued for correction of the violation. The deadline for most common violation is 10 days.  If for some reason the condition is unable to be corrected in the designated time, please contact our office to work out a reasonable compromise.


If you have a complaint concerning a property inside the limits City of Oakland City you may contact our office by phone or U.S. mail. The office handles complaints on tall grass or weeds, trash, litter, and other Public Peace, Health and Safety issues.  All complaints are confidential and will be addressed as soon as possible. Our goal is to keep our City clean for your enjoyment and for others who may visit.  If you have questions concerning City Ordinances, they are available in City Hall.  If you have received a violation letter and need more information please call 812-749-3222

Contact Information:

City Building Inspector: Any City Council Member