Police Department

Mission Statement

The primary mission of the Oakland City Police Department is to provide a service to the community it serves. The service is social and personal in nature to develop a high standard of living in a secure environment to all persons within the community Jurisdiction.

In short, the Oakland City Police Department mission is to assist persons and entities within the City boundaries in the promotion of life, liberty, and pursuit of the individual freedom afforded the Constitution. The primary method to accomplish that end is to develop the environment of safety and security for all persons that obey the laws of the land.  Also, it is to enforce and bring to justice persons who would violate others rights or statutory law.

It is understood that this is not an easy task. From time to time, limitations may limit the ability of the Police Department to carry any and all duties of the police officer.   However,  the department will in its ultimate ability meet the objectives and mission of the Oakland City Police Department.